Monday, February 04, 2008

Surrounded by good people

I hope everyone had a good weekend! I have been feeling like a crazy person lately (but what else is new?) because I've had a lot of stuff going on.

I spent most of last week organizing a goodbye party for three of my co-workers. These guys had been at the Journal News for ages - almost 100 years in all together - and they were just legends in our department and across the paper. One of our columnists wrote about them here. I collected some money for catering, had my mom make a cake that looked like the front page of the paper, and ran around picking up party supplies.

When I got to work on Friday, after picking up some soda and other last minute things on my way in, I realized that I didn't have my purse! My friend Toni helped me go through everything in my car and it just wasn't there. I was a total wreck. Driving back during rush hour would have taken me about two hours, so Randi and mom went down to the parking lot and to the store to check things out for me but nothing turned up.

I spent a good hour freaking out, canceling my credit cards and trying to get
started on my work for night. I'm glad I had the party to distract me. It was really nice, too. My boss and the guys leaving gave really nice speeches. Some people came in on their days off, a lot of the daysiders stayed to say their goodbyes and another retired colleague came to visit. The food and the cake were a huge hit. (My camera was in my purse so I didn't get photos. I'm going to get some photos from our photo editor.)

I had given up on my purse. Well, around 10 I called my mother to find out where my birth certificate was so I could get a new license the next day, and she had just gotten a call from the police department saying someone turned in my bag!!! And luckily, everything was still in it!

My faith in good people has really been renewed. Between the nice guy who brought back my purse and the good friends I have at work, I know I am a lucky person. We kept the celebrating going after work - and I realy needed a drink after the day I had! And it was fun to hang out with some of of my co-workers. We're going to try to do that more.

And the only other thing that made Thursday even better was that Lost was waiting for me on Tivo when I got home! :)

I am up pretty early today. I was tired yesterday so I was in bed by midnight. It was a pretty great weekend too. Randi and I saw There Will Be Blood. (Daniel Day Lewis needs the Oscar for that! Really great movie.) I hung out with my friends from the Rover - way too late again. My nieces, Grandma and Rocky came by yesterday. I hit Barnes and Nobles to spend a gift certificate and some coupons, and then made it home in time to watch the Superbowl. I was going to go out, but I was too beat. So I set up my laptop so I could scrap and watch the game. And then I was in utter shock as the Giants scored that last touchdown. You could hear horns honking late into the night around - what can I say people around here are weird. It was pretty exciting. I managed to get two pages done, but they are on my other computer so I will have to post them later. :)

It's going to be strange going to work later today. We'll be missing three people, but we have two new people starting. I have to try to get back to sleep - otherwise it will be a really long night!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you that such a nice person found your purse Robin! What a mess that would have been if everything had been stolen!

Have a good week!

February 04, 2008  
Blogger Meredith said...

wow! good news about the purse! so glad you got it back unharmed! :)

February 04, 2008  
Blogger clc said...

I'm thankful that you got your purse and contents back! Hope the rest of your week is great!

February 05, 2008  

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