Thursday, May 22, 2008

7 rANdoM things

I was tagged by Donna to share 7 random or weird things about myself!

I won a bake off in 7th grade for my cheesecake.
I like Brussels sprouts.
I buy toys for my nieces so I can play with them.
Most days, I'd rather stay inside.
I don't answer the phone before noon if I can help it.
I have seen just about every episode of The Simpsons.
I can't sleep with socks on.

If you want to play along, feel free to share seven random or weird things about yourselves!!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

I like to bake, but I hate planning what to make for dinner every night.
I like Brussels sprouts too.
I buy stuff for my DH that I want so I can use it too.
Most days, I'd rather go outside.
I hate it when people call my house between 5 and 7pm (it's dinner time!)
I have seen just about every episode of The Brady Bunch.
I can't sleep with socks on either.

May 22, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw your twitter re august rush - mt favourite movie watched this year : )

I'd like to invite you to post your blog at

May 24, 2008  
Blogger Donna B. Miller said...

Yumm! Cheesecake. :-)

I buy toys, too, and pretend they're for my nieces and nephews. In fact, I just picked up Crayola's 3-D chalk set. Can't wait to try it out.

Thanks for playing along, Robin.

May 24, 2008  

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