Sunday, April 07, 2013

Spirit Week

My job might make me crazy sometimes, but I gotta say that I work with some fun people!  We celebrated the design studio's second anniversary with Spirit Week. It was so much fun. 

We started out the week with Mustache Day. Check out my pink stash and sparkly necklace.

For Hat Day, I wore this hat I had gotten for St. Patrick's Day. And it even matched this sweater. 

I decorated Ryan to celebrate...

For Alma Mater Day, I was dressed up in some Rutgers gear and these funky glasses I got at Party City. Our logo is a guitar so these fit in pretty well. We also had a dinner and bake off. So much sugar!
Some of us went out to Ruby Tuesdays across the street to keep the party going.

Thursday was so awesome - Pajama Day. It was so comfy to walk around in my slippers!

I got this giant mustache magnet  at Party City and added some more decorations each day.

On Friday, we had Ice Cream Day. Pretty delicious way to wrap things up.


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